School Bus Club – Terms and Conditions

To reserve a child’s seat on the coach a completed seat reservation form must be returned along with confirmation of payment method and a passport size photograph of each passenger to be scanned and emailed to Seats are reserved for the full academic year. No refunds will be made. By accepting a place on the service you are agreeing to a contract for the full academic year.

Children will be issued with a travel pass, which they must carry with them, as they will be asked to produce this pass by the coach driver. Failure to produce a valid travel pass may result in refusal to board the coach.

The afternoon coach will depart from School promptly at the time stated on the published timetable. If a child anticipates being late, he/she should ask a fellow passenger to inform the driver. The driver will not wait more than a couple of minutes in this event. It is impossible to have a head count on either the morning or afternoon run. Individuals have therefore to be responsible for their own time keeping. Each child should be instructed on how to contact a parent/guardian should a problem arise at any time i.e. missed the bus. A contingency plan is strongly advised.

The coach company will endeavor to act responsibly and to contact schools before the end of the school day should there be a delay in the bus arriving for the afternoon departure. The school will then direct the children accordingly, either to wait together at the pick up point or contact parents/guardians in any event deemed necessary.

The organisers reserve the right to amend the routes, pick up points (and times) along with occupants of the coach at any time in order to make best use of the vehicles.

There is NO parental supervision on the vehicles other than the driver. Children MUST remain seated at all times for their own comfort and safety, and the safety of their fellow passengers. All vehicles are fitted with seatbelts. All passengers must wear seat belts at all times. Failure to do so is not the responsibility of the driver or vehicle operators.

Seats may not be reserved or occupied with bags. Any passenger is entitled to remove bags from a seat and occupy it.

Children are expected to behave in a proper manner and to have regard to common courtesy to the driver, fellow passengers and the vehicle. The partaking of snacks is allowed at the discretion of each individual driver – please ensure any rubbish is retained until disembarking from the vehicle – a bin is provided, usually at the front of the bus. Any child found to be making a deliberate mess will be asked to clean it up, if necessary at the vehicle depot.

Incidents of unruly or disruptive behaviour will NOT be tolerated and will be firmly dealt with. NB: Any child/children involved in an incident on the coach which is reported by the driver to the company office will be issued with a warning. Punch holes will be made in the child’s pass to show they have had a warning. Please check your child’s pass regularly to see if any warnings have been issued.

Should a child’s behaviour continue to cause disruption to fellow passengers to such a point that 3 warnings have been issued then they will be excluded from the bus for 2 weeks. A replacement pass will only be issued by providing a new photograph and collecting the pass in person from the offices of TS Travel.

Incidents of a serious nature or that endangers passenger safety may result in an immediate exclusion for a period longer than 2 weeks. NO REFUNDS WILL BE MADE to excluded passengers.

Prefects and senior pupils do have authority over ALL children on the coach and will report unacceptable language or behaviour to the appropriate school authorities.

It is the children’s responsibility to look after their own belongings. Any lost property may be collected provided that it has been handed in. Please contact our office to check it has been found. A handling charge of £3 per item may be incurred. Replacement travel passes are charged at £5 each.

COVID 19, and any other unforeseen Epidemic or Pandemic Payment terms and payment in full must be completed as per the confirmed booking details. The annual fee must be paid in full. Not withstanding any other provision, under the School Bus Contract, any claim, loss, liability, cost or expense of whatever nature directly or indirectly arising out of or contributed to by or resulting from coronavirus disease (COVID-19), severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), or any mutation or variation thereof. No credit, refund or any other form of discount will be agreed for any claim, loss, cost or expense of whatever nature directly or indirectly arising out of or contributed to by or resulting from: (i) any fear or threat (whether actual or perceived) of: or {ii) any action taken in controlling, preventing, suppressing or in any way relating to any outbreak of; coronavirus disease (COVID-19), severe acute respiratory syndrome corona virus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), or any mutation or variation thereof. Subject otherwise to all other terms, conditions, exclusions and limitations of the School Bus Contract and Invoice provided and confirmed either prior to, or during the current academic year. Which applies to the provision of home to school transport by CTS Bus Ltd or any of its subcontractors

MORNING SNOWFALL CANCELLATION. In the event of heavy snow the decision to cancel the morning service will be taken at 7.10am. There will be no return service on any day that the morning service is cancelled. School closure notice is usually given over local radio stations. When it is decided to cancel the service a text message will be sent to all those who have registered a mobile phone number on their application form. Phone calls will not be answered before 7.10am. Some services may run depending on the route. Regular updates will be posted on our web site and social media. Please check our Web Site and Social Media avoid calling our office to keep lines available for drivers to report problems.

MIDDAY SNOWFALL. The decision to close the school early and to send the vehicles out early will be made by either the heads of the respective schools or the coach company. Parents are usually informed by text and information available from our web site. Every attempt will be made by the coach company to get the children back to their respective drop off points. If this is not possible parents may well have to get themselves to a designated central point to meet the coach if the weather so demands.

The actions and behaviour of the children on the vehicle, or the consequences thereof, shall not be the responsibility of the operating company. Parents are asked to ensure their children know exactly what is expected of them on the bus journey.

The responsibility for the children prior to boarding or after leaving the vehicle shall not be the responsibility of the operating company. Parents are advised that passengers who request unscheduled drop off points do so entirely at their own risk.

The operating coach company shall be responsible operators and carry full insurance cover for public liability, as required by law.